Monday, April 23, 2007

Background in bullets

Not sure if anyone will actually come across this, or read for that matter, other than my friend Mike. But I guess that's not the point (or any). Some background:
-I'm the youngest of four. (by four years)
-Small town South Dakota(Wow a creeper who came across this blog would be happy)
-I am going to school to go to school (ELED)

-I am not aware of having a fear of anything or anyone save God (and Snuggles...yeah, the Downy bear: I used to have nightmares...maybe I'll tell more later) and actually I don't fear God enough.
-I'm arrogant (see above)
-I have trust issues (also see above)
-I'm average at basically everything I do.
-I really like to talk to people (more so on a one-to-one basis)
-I like bullet points.

-When I was growing up I was always part of the "cool" kids group, but I was friends with just about everyone I met (my mom is to thank for the latter part)
-The summer after my 7th grade year I was baptized...
-A year after that I started drinking and smoking pot (but I went to church--sometimes hungover or still drunk--and youth group and went on missions trips...I was a "good" kid)
-Started treating girls poorly (thinking of them as merely a means to fulfill my sexual desires)
-Hit my low the Spring of my sophomore year in high school.
-Started regretting what I had been doing a year later (phased withdrawl of the party life begins Summer after Junior year...stopped smoking pot altogether)
-Finally was fed-up with the actions of my life and stopped drinking January of my senior year
-Started reading the Bible to find answers (started with Revelation...I don't recommend would be better to start with one of the Gospels: my suggestion is John)
-Remembered some of the ideas I was told growing up (Jesus Christ died for my sins-- see above--all I needed was to put my faith in Him and I would have eternal life...honestly, I never forgot that; I chose to disregard it)
-Went to college
-Met a guy and he told me about having a relationship with kidding, I just spent my whole life disregarding this fact.
-Finally I put my FAITH (not just knowledge, but action also) in Jesus Christ and began my new life.
-Hard realizations came: Just because Jesus Christ takes the judgement of my sin for me doesn't mean that when I accept the gift He gave me that I instantly become holy and am never tempted again...
-Got together with some friends from home a few weekends in a row and drank again (except that this time I was sorry for it...Praise the Lord)
-Ended a relationship with a girl (well, she actually stopped it before it started...sort of)
-About a month later I was extremely satisfied with being single (yes, it took me a month) and was looking forward to not having to deal with a girl for quite some time.

-Yeah well that didn't happen...
-I met a girl (I'll tell you more about her later)
-Life was great the Spring of my freshman year (granted I wasn't perfect and had problems, just as I do now, but I could see that I had grown and was growing spiritually)
-Started dating that girl finals week (after she turned me down once)
-Then a lot more happened that I would fill up another post (and probably will) and now I am where I am at the moment.

-Oh yeah: God was there for it all...being patient with me so that I could have eternal life.
-What's really scary to think about is that if I had died before I put my faith in Him I would be suffering for eternity (never ending).

There ya' go,

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